Step 1: Setup for the report generation
- Create a testing scenario(.jmx) file in JMeter's "bin" folder.

- Now create a new Folder in the system where HTML & CSV report files need to generate.
Step 2: HTML and CSV Report Generate.
- Open command prompt by Run and Set Directory path to the bin folder of Jmeter package.
- Way 1:

- Open the "bin" folder of the Jmeter package and enter only "cmd" text in the folder path and just hit the Enter button.
- Way 2:

- Now just follow the below command and wait till the report generation process in CMD. You will find the report in the desired location folder.
jmter -n -t {.jmx file path} -l {csv report file path} -e -o {html output report path}


*While JMX file/CSV file/Report file contains white space in the path then we have to put Double Quotes in the path to avoid the Error. (Error level 1).